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Ey gettin it from me They know just where to go When they need their lovin man They know I do it for free.” Now that part about doing it for free might strike the lords and ladies of Texas capitalism as a bit perverted, but what the hell, it’s the inaugural ball, so they all join in the chorus. “They give me cat scratch fever Cat scratch fever.” Outside of Laura Bush (who often has the pained look of a woman with itches needing scratching, but who’s given up on asking her lovin' man to do it for free -- he keeps insisting freedom has a price; he doesn't seem to know anything else to say), imagine a bunch of Republicans all atwitch with cat scratch fever. Imagine George Bush or Dick Cheney or Condi or Rummy or Karl Rove or Tom DeLay with cat scratch fever. Imagine them all twitching and itching. And the only way they can think to get some relief is to go out and fuck somebody else over. Republicans. Rick Perry. Ted Nugent. Texas. It’s enough to give a person a sick headache.