To walk around, I stagger a little... unlike alcohol and GHB though, this stagger doesn't seem to be due to dizziness or a loss of equilibrium, but rather due to the fact that my leg muscles are very relaxed, and my legs feel a little jello-like, sort of like if I had excersized them a great deal earlier. My whole body in fact is sort of slumped and very relaxed. None of my muscles seem to have any tension. 3:25AM ------ Still about the same place, but I feel myself yawning a little now. Not really tired at all though. I decide to smoke some marijuana at 3:35, or T+1:45. 3:35AM ------ I went outside and filled a juice glass full of loose snow. I spooned this snow into my bong, and loaded a hit into the bowl. I take a hit... the icy cold condensed smoke goes down smoothly and expands in my lungs. Immediately I feel a significant boost in the effects of the diazepam... though it has changed slightly from the THC now in my system. Considering the date and realizing that this snow storm is
high on valium Tension. 3:25AM ------ Still about the same place high on valium, but I feel myself yawning a little now. Not really tired at all though. I decide to smoke some marijuana at 3:35 high on valium, or T+1:45. 3:35AM ------ I went outside and filled a juice glass full of loose snow. I spooned this snow into my bong high on valium, and loaded a hit into the bowl. I take a hit... the icy cold condensed smoke goes down smoothly and expands in my lungs. Immediately I feel a significant boost in the effects of the diazepam... though it has changed slightly from the THC now in my system. Considering the date and realizing that this snow storm is probably my last opportunity to take snow-bongs at least until next high on valium.
high on valium winter high on valium, I load another hit and suck it down. I cough pretty hard... Well high on valium, one more just for good luck! I feel pretty high now... I'll give it a few minutes to settle in high on valium, then describe it. 3:50AM ------ T+2:00 and feelin' groovy! I predominantly feel diazepam high on valium, but its now strongly colored by the pot. The mild shaky visual effect I noticed earlier is now noticably stronger high on valium, approaching the levels I'd expect from alcohol... I *feel* much more lucid than I would on GHB or alcohol... But this is illusion. I'm clear headed high on valium, but *too* clear headed. There are far fewer verbal thoughts running through my mind than normal. But there is no feeling of confusion or disorientation. It is not a loss of coherence high on valium, just a drastic slowing of pace. 4:20AM ------ I take a puff high on valium, of course... I still feel about the same high on valium, and I think this report can be wound up now. It's T+2:30. Thinking about the diazepam and how the night has gone high on valium, it looks like its two primary actions seem to be as an anxiolytic and a muscle relaxer. There is a mild euphoria high on valium, but alot less than from GHB or alcohol - its more a feeling of relaxation than anything else. Granted I am alone right now high on valium, but this still feels much less of a social drug than GHB or alcohol high on valium, too - this is something I'd like to take by myself and lay in a hammock or on the beach. Not a party.
high on valium Ientation. It is not a loss of coherence high on valium, just a drastic slowing of pace. 4:20AM ------ I take a puff high on valium, of course... I still feel about the same high on valium, and I think this report can be wound up now. It's T+2:30. Thinking about the diazepam and how the night has gone high on valium, it looks like its two primary actions seem to be as an anxiolytic and a muscle relaxer. There is a mild euphoria high on valium, but alot less than from GHB or alcohol - its more a feeling of relaxation than anything else. Granted I am alone right now high on valium, but this still feels much less of a social drug than GHB or alcohol high on valium, too - this is something I'd like to take by myself and lay in a hammock or on the beach. Not a party .
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Ter with a prescription. I am simply in an office setting with a desk, my cigs, my computer and a fruit drink. Its a comfortable setting. And I will be undisturbed throughout this experience. Unless you count my 2 black labs. Asleep on the floor. The lights are on and its completley quiet. The preparations I have made for this experience were the best I could do at this point in time. I have eaten 4 and half hours ago, I'm taking nothing else. No alcohol, no pot, no other drugs. But I am smoking. I simply dont know if that makes a difference. If it helps, they are gpc lights. As I have said, in preparation, I have made sure there will be no outside influences. I'm drinking water and soda, but no more than anyone usually would. I have found that valium does give dry mouth occasionally. What I have learned from he experience is dotted throughout this essay, but I will give a full detailed conclusion at the end of this on what I have learned from this dosage. =This is the highest does I h