D feeling. The halcyon calm steals over my mind a bit faster, but interestingly, I don't feel as tired. Of course, if I lay down I fall right asleep. But if I stay awake, objects take on a slightly golden tint and make me happier to look at. Insufflated effects (for me) begin at .125mg, but this might be because I've never tried anything less than that. I have snorted up to 3 pills at once. Or was it 4? I can't remember, and that's the point. Any dosage above about 2 pills, or .5 mg, causes amnesia. It is a very odd sort of amnesia, similar to but milder than valium. I can remember certain parts of what I have done, but everything else is hazy or blank. I can remember important things, like if I did something crazy, but anything mundane (like talking to people or reading a book) is gone. While under the influence of large dosages, I feel the need to tinker with things and create weird shit. For example, one night I snorted .25 mg to go to sleep. I wandered around for a bit too long, an
valium recreational Entle of a drug to be recreational valium recreational, and higher doses make you forget things. Its soft nature is what makes it so great for sleeping. Most of the literature groups Halcion along with other sleep aids like Ambien (which is the devil valium recreational, IMHO) by saying that it should not be taken for more than two weeks valium recreational, or addiction will occur. This may well be true generally valium recreational, but I have been taking Halcion for about a year now valium recreational, with no signs of addiction. At one point valium recreational, after three months of nightly usage valium recreational, I quit cold turkey without any of the ill effects described in the literature - hallucinations valium recreational, chills valium recreational, or some such nonsense. On another side note valium recreational, during this month off halc valium recreational.
valium recreational Ion (when I simply hoarded my pills) I used capsules of Valerian root with melatonin valium recreational, with great success. I still use them now valium recreational, at doses of about 1 gram Valerian and 6 to 9 mg melatonin. However valium recreational, valerian simply cannot compare to the gentle valium recreational, yet powerful valium recreational, sedative entity that is Halcion. Halcyon is a word that means: 'A fabled bird valium recreational, identified with the kingfisher valium recreational, that was supposed to have had the power to calm the wind and the waves while it nested on the sea during the winter solstice.' or a golden feeling of calm. I take the pill valium recreational, and while I lie in bed reading valium recreational, I suddenly yawn and feel a gentle calm wash over me. It is so subtle and magical valium recreational, it is barely discernible from that delicious feeling when you are pleasantly tired valium recreational, and stretch out your legs before you go to sleep. It is not a 'knock-out pill'. It is the noble kingfisher that calms your mind and eases you into a wonderful snooze. And valium recreational, this drug does not last 6 to 8 hours like most sleeping pills. It lasts about 2 hours. Halcion puts you to sleep valium recreational, then leaves you so you can enjoy your rest. It does not seem to have any effect on dream states. Coupled with melatonin it should produce an almost natural sleep without many side effects. On a more recreational note valium recreational, this drug works very well up the nose. Halcion fits into my general assumption that the 'li.
valium recreational Discernible from that delicious feeling when you are pleasantly tired valium recreational, and stretch out your legs before you go to sleep. It is not a 'knock-out pill'. It is the noble kingfisher that calms your mind and eases you into a wonderful snooze. And valium recreational, this drug does not last 6 to 8 hours like most sleeping pills. It lasts about 2 hours. Halcion puts you to sleep valium recreational, then leaves you so you can enjoy your rest. It does not seem to have any effect on dream states. Coupled with melatonin it should produce an almost natural sleep without many side effects. On a more recreational note valium recreational, this drug works very well up the nose. Halcion fits into my general assumption that the 'lit.
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Limited to codeine (tylenol 3), hydrocodone (vicoden, lortab), oxycodone (percocet, oxycontin, mscontin), morphine, diacetyl morphine (heroin), oxymorphone, and fentanyl. Heroin is about as addictive as nicotine, which is to say, rather addictive. Withdrawel from severe addiction is known to be quite severe, so caution is recommended to anyone wanting to abuse these. Effects include euphoria, depressed resperation, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, and sometimes "the itchies." Be aware that some of the aforementioned medications include other things such as acetomenophen which is toxic to the liver in high doses. Drinking alcohol while on any depressant or downer is at risk for severe resperatory depression resulting in death. If alcohol is to be consumed with perscription pill should proceeded with severe caution, and a cut back to normal doseage to account potentation. 3. Stimulants Stimulants are used for ADD ADHD medication and in some cases for weight loss and narcolepsy. Common ones