unwanted effects of street drugs, such as cocaine. Never increase the amount or frequency without your doctor’s approval, or take this drug for any reason other than the one prescribed. Sources: http: www.pdrhealth.com http: www.encyclopedia.com html b1 benzo.asp Effects: The effects of Valium are felt within thirty minutes after oral injestion and one to five minutes after injection. This medicine works by increasing a chemical in your brain (gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA) that acts as a sedative. Valium is one of the most slowly eliminated benzodiazepines. It has a half-life of up to 200 hours, which means that the blood level for each dose falls by only one half in about 8.3 days. This makes it an ideal choice for withdrawing off the shorter acting benzodiazepines such as Xanax and Ativan. This slow elimination of diazepam allows a smooth, gradual fall in blood level, allowing your body to adjust slowly to a decreasing concentration of the drug. With more rapidly eliminated benzo
valium alcohol Motional and physical dependence in some patients and these individuals may find it exceedingly difficult to stop using. It is important that your physician help you discontinue this medication in a careful and safe manner to avoid severe withdrawal. To abruptly stop Valium after an extended period of use is extremely dangerous and can cause seizures and sometimes death. Discontinuation of the medication must include a physician supervised gradual taper schedule and or adjunct medications to minimize acute withdrawal. Essentially valium alcohol, withdrawal symptoms from Valium are like the mirror of its therapeutic effects. Valium withdrawal can produce especially severe w valium alcohol.
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valium alcohol Ould be avoided and a gradual dosage tapering schedule carefully followed. Obviously valium alcohol, the severity of withdrawal symptoms is directly related to the amount of the drug taken and the length of time over which it has been taken. Sources: http: www.pdrhealth http: www.addictionwithdrawal.com.htm Treatment: Long term Valium users must taper down slowly under a knowledgeable physician’s care valium alcohol, or enter a detox center for 24 7 treatment. With a moderate to severe addiction from relatively long term use valium alcohol, an in patient detox in a hospital or medical supervised setting is highly recommended for its multi- disciplinary approach. However a person chooses to free themselv.
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