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clearly. But other commenters in this thread seems to think the authors did." That's definitely the impression they tried to give to the general public, but they also tried to avoid saying it too explicitly because they know it's not true. On the Freakonomics blog, you can read Dubner crowing over how this piece of pseudo-Oprahesque tripe is the most emailed article on the NYT, which figures. To be a celebrity, you need the moral values of a celebrity, which center around telling the general public what they want to hear. Celebrity corrupts, and economists aren't immune to being corrupted by it. Posted by: Steve Sailer at May 9, 2006 4:03:51 AM "the correlation of parent-child genetic abilities (such as IQ, but also others) is not exceptionally high, in the range of 0.4-0.5" The reason it's not higher is partially due to "epistasis." Which means the correlation of IQ to genes is higher than the correlation of IQ to parents' IQ. Posted by: Half Sigma at May 9, 2006 5:10:49 PM By the wa where does

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Y, the central empirical claim that Levitt builds his essay on -- that World Cup soccer players are more likely to be born in the first half of the year -- turns out to be false. One of his readers looked at 1,300 players in 4 World Cups and they were dispersed 49% first half versus 51% second half. So, there's most likely no effect at all. For details, see: http: isteve.blogspot.com 2006 05 credulous-levitt-gets-nailed-by-alert.html This kind of humiliation sure happens a lot to Levitt. Is he credulous, duplicitous, or just too lazy to actually do reality checks on his theory? Posted by: Steve Sailer at May 10, 2006 2:52:16 AM At the end of the day, success has nothing to do with the sheer amount of talent one has; but rather what one does with the talent that they have. Nothing is more deplorable than seeing talented people fail from not applying the talent that they have and nothing is more satisfying and admired than someone with a limited amount of talent, succeeding from using wh

where does valium come from D where does valium come from, although I suspect there are even more extreme examples out there that I'd know about if I followed soccer) before anyone could actually determine how good of a player someone might be as an adult where does valium come from, and where adult body size really has little effect on ability. That doesn't mean that that principle follows in life in general where does valium come from, or even in other sports. Basketball and football come to mind as examples of sports where lazy people with the right body type will be far better than the most motivated smaller person. Posted by: Brian at May 6 where does valium come from, 2006 10:53:25 PM Herr Cowen where does valium come from, I still believe that it’s a combination of genes and environment. Why is it that some people where does valium come from.

where does valium come from emerge out of poverty to become so successful and some rich folks’ children never make it (even though a sibling in the exact same environment does)? Certainly where does valium come from, practice does make perfect. We were talking about depression on an earlier thread. Do you think that that is inherited or the result of breeding? Posted by: Chairman Mao at May 7 where does valium come from, 2006 3:22:01 AM I don't get their point either. Talent without dedication and focus is nothing. Hard work and persistence pay off even for those lacking exceptional talents. What's the news? No insight on why Salieri could never be Mozart. Posted by: Richard Phillips at May 7 where does valium come from, 2006 4:52:23 AM Chairman Mao where does valium come from, there is no mystery as to why "some people emerge out of poverty to become so successful and some rich folks’ children never make it". Francis Galton identified this phenomenon in the late 1800s. It is called "regression toward the mean". Posted by: Pelkabo at May 7 where does valium come from, 2006 6:39:25 AM I thought talent was imparted to us as a gift from the NEA? ;-) Posted by: Christopher at May 7 where does valium come from, 2006 9:29:57 AM My own experience with talent and piano playing fits the notion that "talent" is simply a matter of an individual making more progress per unit of practice. An extremely talented individual might make up to 2 or 3 times as much progress per hour as an average one. I think that's a .

where does valium come from Tery as to why "some people emerge out of poverty to become so successful and some rich folks’ children never make it". Francis Galton identified this phenomenon in the late 1800s. It is called "regression toward the mean". Posted by: Pelkabo at May 7 where does valium come from, 2006 6:39:25 AM I thought talent was imparted to us as a gift from the NEA? ;-) Posted by: Christopher at May 7 where does valium come from, 2006 9:29:57 AM My own experience with talent and piano playing fits the notion that "talent" is simply a matter of an individual making more progress per unit of practice. An extremely talented individual might make up to 2 or 3 times as much progress per hour as an average one. I think that's a p.

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