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And value of African exports * China in particular has become the main trade partner for a number of African countries providing cheap manufactured goods and reducing Africa's dependence from its traditional trading partners * despite the push for exports, terms of trade and growth that the Asian giants provide to Africa, risks for sustainable poverty reduction are visible in higher raw material dependence and rent-seeking activities. The paper argues that improving the macroeconomic policy mix is crucial. To avoid remaining stuck in the unpromising corner of vulnerable, capital-intensive and high-risk dependence on raw materials with little local-labour content, Africa will have to carefully manage the windfall gain generated by higher commodity prices. In addition, diversification of economic activities is very important. Posted in Digital Bandung soenke& 039;s blog & 187; john_smith_666 Says: Fri, 12 08 2006 - 03:30 adipex cheap cod shipping what does alprazolam look like ambien can