Ng reticular activating system. Benzodiazepines block the cortical and limbic arousal that occurs following stimulation of the reticular pathways. Clinically, all benzodiazepines cause a dose-related central nervous system depressant activity varying from mild impairment of task performance to hypnosis. Sources: http: http: http: faqs FAQ-valium.php http: ashvtaper.htm Side Effects: While side effects cannot be anticipated, typical side effects of Valium include: drowsiness, abdominal cramps, clumsiness, blurred vision, dry mouth, fatigue, light-headedness, heart palpitations, slurred speech, difficulty urinating, convulsions, hallucinations, amnesia, difficulty breathing, loss of muscle coordination, trembling, headache, and confusion. If any of your side effects change in intensity, inform your doctor as soon as possible. Only your doctor can determine if it is safe for you to continue taking Valium. If you experience
valium withdrawal be non-habit forming and less lethal in overdose. Since the late 1960s there has been considerable debate over their side effects valium withdrawal, potential for addiction valium withdrawal, and abuse. Sources: http: html b1 benzo.asp http: http: Indications: Valium is prescribed for anxiety disorders and the short-term relief of the symptoms of anxiety. Valium is also used to relieve the symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal; to relieve skeletal muscle spasm; to control involuntary movement of the hands (athetosis) valium withdrawal, to relax tight valium withdrawal, aching muscles; and valium withdrawal, with other medications valium withdrawal, treat convulsive disorders such as epilepsy. In acute alcohol withdra valium withdrawal.
valium withdrawal Wal valium withdrawal, Valium provides symptomatic relief of acute agitation valium withdrawal, tremor valium withdrawal, impending or acute delirium tremens and hallucinations. Valium is also used as an adjunct prior to endoscopic procedures if anxiety or acute stress reactions are present. As a long-acting benzodiazepine valium withdrawal, Valium is often prescribed to patients withdrawing from shorter-acting benzos valium withdrawal, such as Xanax. Sources: http: http: Usage: Valium tablets are intended to be swallowed whole and are available in the following strengths: 0.2 mg valium withdrawal, 5 mg valium withdrawal, and 10 mg. Valium injectable emulsion is intended for intravenous use only and should never be administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. One inappropriate use of Valium is by snorting valium withdrawal, which many users will try to minimize the unwanted effects of street drugs valium withdrawal, such as cocaine. Never increase the amount or frequency without your doctor’s approval valium withdrawal, or take this drug for any reason other than the one prescribed. Sources: http: http: html b1 benzo.asp Effects: The effects of Valium are felt within thirty minutes after oral injestion and one to five minutes after injection. This medicine works by increasing a chemical in your brain (gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA) that acts as a sedative. Valium is one of the most slowly eliminated benzodiazepine.
valium withdrawal Utaneously. One inappropriate use of Valium is by snorting valium withdrawal, which many users will try to minimize the unwanted effects of street drugs valium withdrawal, such as cocaine. Never increase the amount or frequency without your doctor’s approval valium withdrawal, or take this drug for any reason other than the one prescribed. Sources: http: http: html b1 benzo.asp Effects: The effects of Valium are felt within thirty minutes after oral injestion and one to five minutes after injection. This medicine works by increasing a chemical in your brain (gamma-aminobutyric acid or GABA) that acts as a sedative. Valium is one of the most slowly eliminated benzodiazepines.
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Tening nor incapacitating and did not include convulsions or psychosis, as some of the more lurid popular accounts of Valium addiction have suggested, the study team concluded. In all cases, the withdrawal reaction could be ''readily managed'' by gradually reducing the dose of medication, the researchers said. These and other findings are reported in the Aug. 12 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association by Dr. Karl Rickels and three colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania medical complex. Earlier Stand on Drug Dr. Rickels, an authority in the field, had previously complained that the dangers of Valium and the class of minor tranquilizers to which it belongs, known as the benzodiazepines, had been exaggerated, with the result that many people who could benefit from the drugs were afraid to take them. In his latest study, some 180 patients suffering from chronic anxiety were given 15 to 40 milligrams of Valium a day for periods ranging from 6 to 22 weeks and were then