Nxiety disorders and anxiety associated with depression. Article includes descriptions, uses, drug interactions, and side effects. Source:MedicineNet Anxiety - Anxiety symptoms include excessive worry and tension, restlessness, irritability, muscle tension and nausea, among many others. Learn how to recognize the warning signs and treatment of anxiety on MedicineNet.com. Source:WebMD Medical Reference from The Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy Treatment - Information on Epilepsy treatment includes how epilepsy is treated, drug therapy, side effects, and surgery. Source:WebMD Medical Reference from The Cleveland Clinic Read 22 more diazepam related articles ... Health Highlights: Jan. 31, 2007 Black Women Often Miss Out on Mammogram Results Air Pollution Linked to Heart Deaths Don't Drink the Hand Sanitizer Lavender Oil May Spur Breasts in Boys Binge Eating Tops Other Eating Disorders Soccer Sends More Than 100,000 Kids to ER Annually Stenting Surgery Could Prevent Heart Injury Deaths New Score
valium symptoms Ol withdrawal. Diazepam is also used for relief of muscle spasms in certain neurological diseases. Diazepam is used to abort active seizures and can be combined with other drugs in treating severe recurrent seizures. DOSING: Diazepam may be taken with or without food. Diazepam is metabolized by the liver and excreted mainly by the kidney. Dosages of diazepam may need to be lowered in patients with abnormal kidney function. DRUG INTERACTIONS: Alcohol should be avoided by patients taking benzodiazepines. Diazepam can lead to addiction (dependency) valium symptoms, especially at higher dosages over prolonged periods of time. Because of diazepam's addicting potential valium symptoms, dosages s valium symptoms.
valium symptoms Hould never be increased by the patient. In patients addicted to diazepam valium symptoms, abrupt discontinuation of the medicine can lead to symptoms of withdrawal (insomnia valium symptoms, headaches valium symptoms, nausea valium symptoms, vomiting valium symptoms, lightheadedness valium symptoms, sweating valium symptoms, anxiety valium symptoms, and fatigue). Seizures can occur in more severe cases of withdrawal. Consequently valium symptoms, patients on diazepam for extended periods of time should slowly taper the medication under a doctor's supervision rather than abruptly stopping the medication. Tagamet can prolong the effects of diazepam and dosages may need to be decreased when these drugs are used together. PREGNANCY: Benzodiazepines valium symptoms, such as diazepam valium symptoms, can cause fetal problems and should not be used in pregnancy. NURSING MOTHERS: Benzodiazepines valium symptoms, such as diazepam valium symptoms, can cause fetal problems and should not be used in breast feeding mothers. SIDE EFFECTS: The most frequent side effects of diazepam are drowsiness valium symptoms, fatigue valium symptoms, and ataxia (loss of balance). Rarely valium symptoms, diazepam causes a paradoxical reaction with excitability valium symptoms, muscle spasm valium symptoms, lack of sleep valium symptoms, and rage. Confusion valium symptoms, depression valium symptoms, speech problems valium symptoms, and double vision are also rare side effects of diazepam. 1 Glossary diazepam Center Next Printer-Friendly Format Email to a Friend From the Doctors at MedicineNet.com lorazepam valium symptoms, Ativan - Describes the medication lorazepam (Ativan) an antianxiety drug used.
valium symptoms Not be used in pregnancy. NURSING MOTHERS: Benzodiazepines valium symptoms, such as diazepam valium symptoms, can cause fetal problems and should not be used in breast feeding mothers. SIDE EFFECTS: The most frequent side effects of diazepam are drowsiness valium symptoms, fatigue valium symptoms, and ataxia (loss of balance). Rarely valium symptoms, diazepam causes a paradoxical reaction with excitability valium symptoms, muscle spasm valium symptoms, lack of sleep valium symptoms, and rage. Confusion valium symptoms, depression valium symptoms, speech problems valium symptoms, and double vision are also rare side effects of diazepam. 1 Glossary diazepam Center Next Printer-Friendly Format Email to a Friend From the Doctors at MedicineNet.com lorazepam valium symptoms, Ativan - Describes the medication lorazepam (Ativan) an antianxiety drug used .
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