N is needed later in the day, with no problems. Initially tried 5 mg. but became drowsy. The greatest tranquilizer known to man. Taking 2 mg. daily with excellent results. This is an addicting drug, so extreme caution must be excercised when using it. M 64 26 years 1 10 2006 5 anxiety depression? I've been taking for over 2 years. It has helped my anxiety alot but I sometimes feel depressed the next day. I have tried xanax also but needed to take it more often.Usually take 10 mg. once every other day to every three days. If I forget to take for a few days I notice I seem to get very muscle-achey and can get somewhat moody. I am worried that means I am becoming addicted, does anyone else have that problem? F 32 2 years Email 1 2 2006 5 Anxiety, Panic Disorder None- except maybe drowsiness. Maybe some increased appetite from relaxation. Helps me to think more rationally when angered. I've been on the med go round for several years. I'm 29 now. I had introductions to Valium since around a
valium side effects Ne no bad effects I take 10mg when I feel a headache coming (along with 2 aspirin) and it eliminates or greatly reduces the severity of the headache. M 45 6 years 2 1 2007 5 anxiety valium side effects, insomnia morning grogginess after taking 7 mg at bedtime. SO superior to Xanax which causes depression valium side effects, teeth grinding valium side effects, anxiety! I am MUCH calmer now while reducing xanax to 1 2mg. I had been speaking in such a loud obnoxious voice it annoyed people. weaning off xanax due to morning nervousness upon awakening and anxiety when going out. Valium does NOT cause depression or nervousness; tried and true valium side effects, my mother took it for fifty years! Dr had no problem prescribing it for post men valium side effects.
valium side effects Opausal insomnia. F 62 8 months 1 16 2007 5 Multiple Sclerosis Spasticity None valium side effects, that I can discern. I have taken Baclofen now for several years but it hasn't helped nearly as much as this. I am taking the lowest dose possible and hope larger doses are not required later. I am already concerned about this becoming habit forming. F 42 15 days 1 12 2007 5 Insomnia valium side effects, anxiety valium side effects, IBS valium side effects, cramping No side effects Its such a tremendous help valium side effects, I try not to take it more than 2-3 times a week (5 mg) F 51 4 years 12 19 2006 5 panic attacks valium side effects, PTSD valium side effects, night terrors none After taking every other benzo I have been prescribed Valium has been the only medication that has consistently worked. Xanax always seems to give out and starts causing rebound anxiety valium side effects, Klonipin makes me exhausted all the time and Ativan is a joke. I will always recomend Valium. I have taken these medications on and off for several years when I finaly get a medication regime together Valium has always worked and has been easiest to get off of. People who think that benzos should be avoided are idiots. People who suffer from severe anxiety are the only ones that really understand! M 26 6 years Email 12 5 2006 5 panic attacks valium side effects, PTSD valium side effects, night terrors none After taking every other benzo I have been prescribed Valium has been the only medication that has consistently worked. Xa.
valium side effects Ked. Xanax always seems to give out and starts causing rebound anxiety valium side effects, Klonipin makes me exhausted all the time and Ativan is a joke. I will always recomend Valium. I have taken these medications on and off for several years when I finaly get a medication regime together Valium has always worked and has been easiest to get off of. People who think that benzos should be avoided are idiots. People who suffer from severe anxiety are the only ones that really understand! M 26 6 years Email 12 5 2006 5 panic attacks valium side effects, PTSD valium side effects, night terrors none After taking every other benzo I have been prescribed Valium has been the only medication that has consistently worked. Xan.
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On, laryngospasm and pain in throat or chest have been reported. Because of isolated reports of neutropenia and jaundice, periodic blood counts and liver function tests are advisable during long-term therapy. DRUG ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE Withdrawal symptoms, similar in character to those noted with barbiturates and alcohol (convulsions, tremor, abdominal and muscle cramps, vomiting and sweating), have occurred following abrupt discontinuance of diazepam. The more severe withdrawal symptoms have usually been limited to those patients who had received excessive doses over an extended period of time. Generally milder withdrawal symptoms (eg, dysphoria and insomnia) have been reported following abrupt discontinuance of benzodiazepines taken continuously at therapeutic levels for several months. Consequently, after extended therapy, abrupt discontinuation should generally be avoided and a gradual dosage tapering schedule followed. Addiction-prone individuals (such as drug addicts or alcoholics