T two years despite larger hard drive capacities encountered, because of the concurrent use of faster better examination hardware and software. Utilizing a laboratory management information system (LIMS) to collect data permits individual examiner data to be compared to the laboratory average. Individual assignments can vary significantly and the amount of work hours expended will vary commensurately. For example, the time needed to process a box of 10 diskettes is minimal compared to the recovery of data from a network server. However, if all assignments are more or less distributed equally over time, then quantitative differences in examiner output can be discerned. The collection of both qualitative and quantitative data is integral to effective examiner performance measurement. A LIMS must be in place to track both resource inputs and work product outputs. It is important that comparisons among digital evidence examiners be fairly derived, and that measurable differences in perform
tramadone E topic. Contact: ICN Magyarorszag Rt. tramadone, 4440 Tiszavasvari tramadone, Hung. 5.& 9;Cabovska B tramadone, Norman AB tramadone, Stalcup AM. Separation of cocaine stereoisomers by capillary electrophoresis using sulfated cyclodextrins. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2003;376(1):134. Editor's Notes: The title study is presented. Contact: Department of Chemistry tramadone, University of Cincinnati tramadone, Cincinnati tramadone, OH 45221. 6.& 9;Lewis LD. Method of disposing of hazardous wastes connected with criminal activity. US 20030176756 A1 18 Sep 2003 tramadone, U.S. Pat Appl. Publ. CLASS: ICM: A62D003-00. NCL: 588213000. APLICATION: US 2002-100325 18 Mar 2002. Editor's Notes: Presents the use of a portable incinerator tramadone.
tramadone (however tramadone, only selected waste materials are suitable for destruction). Contact: USA (no further contact information was provided). 7.& 9;Makarov SA tramadone, Simonov EA tramadone, Makarov VG tramadone, Kozlov AS. Method for determination of narcotic tramadone, psychotropic and offensive substances of plant and synthetic origin. Russ. RU 2 tramadone, 205 tramadone, 385 (Cl. G01N21 78) 27 May 2003 tramadone, Appl. 2 tramadone, 002 tramadone, 103 tramadone, 845 tramadone, 18 Feb 2002. Editor's Notes: Appears to present a narcotics test kit (abstract is not clear). This patent is written in Russian. Contact: Russia (no further contact information was provided). 8.& 9;Hu Y tramadone, Ning Z tramadone, Liu D. Determination of pterostilbene in Dragon's Blood by RP-HPLC. Yaowu Fenxi Zazhi 2002;22(6):428. Editor's Notes: Presents the title study. This article is written in Chinese. Contact: Medical College of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces tramadone, Tianjin 300162 tramadone, Peop. Rep. China. Additional References of Possible Interest: 1.& 9;Liau AS tramadone, Liu JT tramadone, Lin LC tramadone, Chiu YC tramadone, Shu YR tramadone, Tsai CC tramadone, Lin CH. Optimisation sic of a simple method for the chiral separation of methylamphetamine and related compounds in clandestine tablets and urine samples by beta-cyclodextrin modified capillary electrophoresis: A complementary method to GC-MS. Forensic Science International 2003;134(1):17. Editor's Notes: Investigated compounds include methamphetamine tramadone, methcathinone tramadone, ephedrine tramadone, .
tramadone ):428. Editor's Notes: Presents the title study. This article is written in Chinese. Contact: Medical College of Chinese People's Armed Police Forces tramadone, Tianjin 300162 tramadone, Peop. Rep. China. Additional References of Possible Interest: 1.& 9;Liau AS tramadone, Liu JT tramadone, Lin LC tramadone, Chiu YC tramadone, Shu YR tramadone, Tsai CC tramadone, Lin CH. Optimisation sic of a simple method for the chiral separation of methylamphetamine and related compounds in clandestine tablets and urine samples by beta-cyclodextrin modified capillary electrophoresis: A complementary method to GC-MS. Forensic Science International 2003;134(1):17. Editor's Notes: Investigated compounds include methamphetamine tramadone, methcathinone tramadone, ephedrine tramadone, .
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