Duled for next week, and my Ortho states this is all he can prescribe (oxycodone 5 500)...I fear he will undermedicate me after this operation. I feel like calling the whole thing off. As you can see, I've grown to value your opinion. lol (:spook03 04 2001C32 Annie I recommend Morphine,immediate release 30mg tablets,or Morphine Mixture(a water solution of varying strengths). The analgesic studies show that it the BEST painkiller and less liable to be abused,than Oxycodone,Hydrocodone,oxymorphone and hydrocodone. Morphine is excellent and cravings once Euphoria addicted are far quicker and easier that the 4 above mentioned Opioids to get over. Good old Morphine,humans have used it for over 4000 years. spook03 04 2001C33 Annie The 14-hydroxy substituted Opioids (oxycodone) derivatives tend to come on fast and wear off rapidy,(I found 2 hrs max)if you could take one every 2-3 hrs,you would eventually poison yourself with the 500mg of other active ingredient.The vicodin lasts much longer a
is tramadol addicting Been praying for your complete and total healing. I will remember you in prayer especially tomorrow during your surgery. Please return and keep us posted on your progress. Love is tramadol addicting, Brightyspook03 11 2001C43 Brighty I agree that Heroin takes away `most` of ones emotions is tramadol addicting, but some people are better of without them(believe me) is tramadol addicting, they like the Euphoria of the drug and are careful with the dose is tramadol addicting, so they do not get a tolerance is tramadol addicting, they lead productive lives and have families is tramadol addicting, if it was legal is tramadol addicting, it would be like alcohol is tramadol addicting, sure people will wreck their lives is tramadol addicting, but I am certain that it is best to get things out in the open and educate people is tramadol addicting, and treat their mental problems.Prohibition j is tramadol addicting.
is tramadol addicting Ust is not working. Personally I think that Heroin is more suited for losers is tramadol addicting, who like a rush and want to nod off into oblivion is tramadol addicting, I like morphine and its oral use does not cause such problems is tramadol addicting, well not to a self employed person is tramadol addicting, like an Artist or Novelist is tramadol addicting, etc is tramadol addicting, Heroin IV use is just to addictive and debilitating. I still think I am better off without any drugs is tramadol addicting, maybe I need a girlfriend or something?. Annie if you are reading this is tramadol addicting, I am not sure what you mean RE: 30mg Hydrocodone etc. Also are you two sure that their is a Devil is tramadol addicting, I cannot say for sure is tramadol addicting, but I heard their is a little Devil in all of us.Brighty03 11 2001C44 Spook Hi Spook.. I'd like to kick back and forget about some things for awhile... but I'm sure not going to use drugs... not any kind... I have watched much of the world including my own child is tramadol addicting, choose to self destruct using this junk and it simply was not the initial intention.. just the result. You know as well as anyone what it does to the human mind and spirit. Of course I'm sure of Satan is tramadol addicting, devil is tramadol addicting, ...... whatever name it's still the power of evil in the world... entering each of us to bring us to defeat... unless we choose otherwise... often it's a fight. You know that too.... looks like you have won. Love is tramadol addicting, BrightyAnnie03 12 2001C45 Brighty Just wanted to thank you for your prayers is tramadol addicting, and after reading your.
is tramadol addicting About some things for awhile... but I'm sure not going to use drugs... not any kind... I have watched much of the world including my own child is tramadol addicting, choose to self destruct using this junk and it simply was not the initial intention.. just the result. You know as well as anyone what it does to the human mind and spirit. Of course I'm sure of Satan is tramadol addicting, devil is tramadol addicting, ...... whatever name it's still the power of evil in the world... entering each of us to bring us to defeat... unless we choose otherwise... often it's a fight. You know that too.... looks like you have won. Love is tramadol addicting, BrightyAnnie03 12 2001C45 Brighty Just wanted to thank you for your prayers is tramadol addicting, and after reading your .
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Ou take Tramadol while on an anti depressent you can develop Seratonin Syndrome - it happened to me while on Zoloft... other than that your right - SS isn't a withdrawal symptom, but could have similar affects.... Casey55 Junior Member USA 133 Posts Posted - 01 04 2005 : 23:26:38 gert,That is a lot of medicine to be on when you don't even have a diagnosis, what are you supposed to be taking all of these for?Casey Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 of 12 Topic Next Page New Topic Reply to Topic Printer Friendly Jump To: Select Forum Announcements Drugs.com Discussion Board Rules Latest Drug Related News General Discussion Boards Pill Identification Need to Talk? Featured Drugs Featured Conditions Drug Information Alternative Medicine Patient Assistance Programs General Specialist Discussion Boards Pharmacists Medical Transcriptionists -------------------- Home Active Topics Frequently Asked Questions Member Information Search Page Drugs.com - Drug and Medication Forums © 2007 Drugs.c